Presbyterian Church

Everybody Loves Alarm Clocks

Everybody loves alarm clocks, right? Well, sometimes we love to hate them, but that’s not the whole truth! Alarm clocks are all around us, and that’s a good thing. We’ve got the usual ones by our bedsides (phones now!), some have the little living ones (babies), and we all have internal ones (hunger, for instance).

Marvelous Light

Recently these two verses from Isaiah 42 have been stuck in my head! As I was studying the text of 1 Peter 2:1-10, I discovered that Peter clearly referenced these verses. He says, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9, emphasis added).

The Insanely Prolific Pinecone Producing Loblolly Pines in Columbia, SC

How many pinecones do you think a Loblolly Pine produces in one year? Y’all know those pine trees, right? They are the super tall ones you see everywhere in Columbia. It has got to be a ton (perhaps literally).

Preserving Life and Praying For Life

The hurricane turned tropical storm turned depression has come and gone, and praise God for the minimal damage it has seemed to cause in our neck of the woods! Seeing some of the footage from the coast and other parts of North Carolina stirs me into prayer for physical safety and needs to be met in this week after the storm—when rivers are still rising from all the rain and surge! I hope you will join me in those prayers.

The Big Ole' Red-Dotted Map

So, I have a map in my office. For those of you who have not stopped by (shame on you, by the way!), it sits on the mantel over the fireplace. Some have called it large, but I prefer to call it the perfect fit. It is perfect because I only had to trim the edges a little bit to gently force it in between the ceiling and the mantel.