Women's Ministry Annual Luncheon

Women's Ministry Annual Luncheon

The Centennial ARP Church's Women's Ministries sponsored their annual luncheon on Monday, January 15th.  Those who were there were able to enjoy a wonderful meal which featured an array of homemade soups, sandwiches, cornbread, and desserts. 

Caricatured Committees Create Misconception!

January 2018 is almost gone! Where did the month go? Before we get too deep into the year, I wanted to share with y’all an emphasis for this year at Centennial: committees. Oftentimes, jokes can be made about Presbyterians making committees, getting bogged down in red tape, and making another committee to deal with that!

CARPY 2018 Ski Trip

CARPY 2018 Ski Trip

We had a blast on the 2018 CARPY Youth Group Ski Trip. A big thank you to Dan Felker and Carol Finethy for their help and support during the trip. Find out more about the trip here and take a look at some neat pictures from the trip.

A Path-Straightening and All-Of-Life God Who Saves

This little couplet from Proverbs 3 is one that I often think of these days. The reason for the often-ness of these verses in my life now has to do with my daughter, but it all started back when I first began attending Fayetteville (TN) ARP Church.

A New Year and A New Sermon Series

Happy New Year, Centennial Family! I hope all of you are well. This last Sunday, we found ourselves at the start of a new sermon series titled Jesus In A Lived Life: The Joseph Narrative. I would like to provide a few insights into this series for y’all’s consideration.