How Shall We Address COVID-19?

Allow me to quickly address the burning question before giving just a few thoughts on our current situation.

Unless otherwise notified by the state or federal government, Centennial ARP Church will meet to worship on the Lord's Day.

Now let me write just a few reminders. Be reminded that in Christ "God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control" (2 Timothy 1:7). 

1) We should be aware of the COVID-19 virus but not fear it. God has given us the scientific capability and capacity in South Carolina to know when we might need to cancel our large group worship activities. As of this moment, there has been no recommendations or prohibition of large group gatherings from our SC or the US government.

2) We should be aware of the COVID-19 virus but not lose our God-given spirit of power. We know God is in control, and we also know he has given his people wisdom and discernment regarding the matters of this world. As we gather to worship, take into consideration a "no-touch" policy, appropriate-as-possible distancing, and hand washing as appropriate.

3) We should be aware of the COVID-19 virus but not lose our God-given spirit of love. If and when the time comes when many of our people, our neighbors, and others are in need, I am calling on y'all as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ to be prepared. Centennial ARP Church will serve to the best of our abilities in the spirit of love all our members who need to stay home for safety, our people who are sick, and those around us.

4) We should be aware of the COVID-19 virus but not lose our God-given spirit of self-control. Be aware of the situation as it plays out, but I would encourage each of you to not allow local news stations, facebook, or even the virus itself to become your little "g" god. God has granted us a self-control to soberly assess this situation but not be controlled by it. Dear Christian, be aware.

Pray with me. Pray for God to work miraculously through immediate prevention. Pray for God to work ordinarily through our government and medical professionals. Pray for God to work.

One of your elders told me today that his prayer is Psalm 46. Pray it with him,

"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."

