A God-Glorifying Opportunity

Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart.
— Ephesians 5:19

Midweek greetings! This Postscripts, I would like to ask a favor. I need y’all to spread the word about music Sunday, which happens on Sunday, December 10, during the regular worship hour.

Music Sunday is an opportunity that Centennial takes to change things up a bit. The Advent season is when we celebrate Jesus’ incarnation (His coming to this earth!), and music Sunday is firmly planted within this celebration. In one sense, we at Centennial proclaim Jesus’ coming every single Sunday. You’ll hear me say this if you haven’t already, we celebrate Christmas and Easter year-round on each Sunday that we gather together. Jesus’ birth for us and death for us are integral parts of the Good News. In the Christmas and Easter season, we take the time to deliberately focus on these momentous events as they are recorded in God’s Word. This is where the opportunity for us comes in.

Music Sunday has a different feel to it. Our Centennial choir has spent many an hour preparing to sing unto God, and a big portion of the service will be this very singing by our choir. With some great selections from Handel’s Messiah to be sung, this worship service will be focused on glorifying God through song and praise. Because of this, there is a heightened opportunity to invite our friends and neighbors. We will still be worshipping our God, and I have found that music can be a wonderful gateway into that Good News of Jesus Christ. It’s the Christmas season, and this will be a wonderful worship service with a little different flair. What an opportunity! Would you invite your friends and neighbors?

Can’t you hear the Hallelujah chorus now?

“HALLELUJAH! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.

The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord,
and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever.


-from Handel’s Messiah, part 2, section 44